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About AppliedTech

About Us

Nowadays, business activities occur without boundaries; commercial activities only need agility and specializations.
Appliedtech Ltd. is a Canadian based trading company providing professional procurement services.
We provide top-notch quality products complying with stringent international standards.
This company specializes in sourcing and marketing various raw materials and finished products with its alliances worldwide. Our objective is to provide the best quality products with the promising application.
Our activities are targeted at boosting the overall supply chain.
We have outstanding experience in the execution and implementation of international tenders.
Based on the background experience of the company's founders in laboratory equipment, analytical instruments, life science, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries, this company is competent in proficient and technical projects.
Appliedtech Ltd. has various multinational partners with trustworthy business relationships in the industry sector, such as food, agro-industry, Lab equipment which fortify our business.
Our mission is to optimize commercial services and facilitate companies' requirements by offering cutting-edge technology at cost-effective prices.

Feel free to contact us for the further details.